Council Meeting
Annual Meeting
1. Chairman’s Annual Report
2. Election of Chairman
3. Acceptance of role from the Chairman
4. Election of Vice-chairman
5. Acceptance of role of Vice-chairman
Annual Parish Assembly
1. Welcome
2. Resident’s open forum
3. Feedback on comments
4. Date of next APA 10th May 2023
Council Meeting
Public Participation will be held prior to the Parish Council being convened – Members of the public are invited to raise any issues for the Councils attention in the 15 minute period prior to the commencement of the meeting. Members of the public are not able to raise or answer questions once the meeting has commenced.
Any issues raised by members of the public – If an answer is not available at the meeting, you will be contacted after the meeting. Issues raised with the Clerk at least three days prior to the meeting will be addressed in the Correspondence section, if not already resolved prior to the meeting.
Councillors are reminded that whilst attending council meeting they should observe the Code of Conduct which governs their behaviour, treating everyone present with respect and civility. If they wish to speak they should put their hand up so that either the Chair or the Clerk knows that they wish to speak and not talk over anyone already speaking.
1. Apologies received in writing prior to the meeting.
2. Declaration of interests on Agenda items and consideration of dispensations where appropriate.
3. Bridgtown Parish Council Meeting Minutes
3.1. To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 29th March 2023
4. Matters arising from the Minutes. –
5. Chairman’s Report.
6. Holiday Inn – update
7. Consideration of reports received from PCSO.
8. Recreational Areas.
8.1. The Leighton Memorial Garden –
8.2. War Memorial
8.3. Bridgtown Memorial Gardens & Play Park in Union Street – consider quote for repair brickwork
Adjournment of the meeting to receive the report of ‘Friends of Bridgtown Park:
9. Consideration of reports From Sue Heath on issues arising on Friends of Bridgtown Park
9.1. Update from Sue Heath on Planting.
Reconvene of the meeting.
10. Planning:
10.1. Applications for Consideration:
CH/23/0175 Proposed change of use from retail workshop to one bedroom apartment at 250A Walsall Road Bridgtown
10.2. Applications Approved/Rejected by District Council – None
11. Correspondence
12.1. Incoming – Items of correspondence received during the months are emailed to Councillors, as received and for this month included the following:
- SPCA Bulletin emailed to council 7th May 2023.
12.2. Outgoing – none
13.0. Accounts.
13.1. Payments for approval
Date | Payee | Cheque Nr. | Amount | |
10.05.23 | Cancelled | 102113 | ||
10.05.23 | K Punter(Laying of bark in Park & Gardens £300, purchase of membrane £140) | 102114 | 440.00 | |
10.05.23 | C E Gracey(Clerk’s April & May Salary) | 102115 | 336.84 | |
10.05.23 | HMRC (Clerk’s PAYE April &May) | 102116 | 69.80 | |
10.05.23 | Bethel Church(Hire of hall 10/05/23) | 102117 | 20.00 | |
10.05.23 | CCDC(License to plant memorial area) | 102118 | 8.63 | |
TOTAL | £875.27 |
13.2. Current Financial situation of the Council (see attached Income & Expenditure 1st April to 31st March 2023)
13.3. Consider Chairman’s Allowance
13.4. Consideration of any Infrastructure projects update – none
13.5. Consideration of any grant funding opportunities.- none
13.6. Consideration of Grant applications – none
13.7. Review/Approve Financial Regulations
14. Highway issues
14.1. Blocked gullies in the parish causing flooding.
14.2. Grit Bins – Church Street junction New Street
15. To receive reports from Councillor’s who have attended outside meetings
16. To Consider changing Bi Monthly meetings to Monthly Meetings
17. HGV Signage –
18. Review/approve standing orders
19. New Lamp posts – awaiting date for work to be commenced
20. War Memorial in Bridgtown – in need of refurbishment
21. Items for information or future agendas
22. Date of Next Meeting: 12th July 2023 7pm at Bethel Church, Union Street, Bridgtown.
Annual Meeting
1. Election of Chairman
Cllr. Mandy Cook proposed Cllr. Bob Eccleston for the post of Chairman for the coming year, seconded by Cllr. Danielle Zazulak & carried
2. Acceptance
Cllr. Bob Eccleston thanked Members for their support and commented that he was looking forward to working with them.
3. Election of Vice-chairman
Cllr. Roger Thackham proposed Cllr. Richard Craddock for the post of Vice-chairman seconded by Cllr. Mandy Cook & carried.
Annual Parish Assembly
1. Welcome The Chairman welcome residents & Members to this year’s Assembly.
2. Residents Open Forum – Residents raised the following points and concerns:
Parking on East Street with vehicles blocking the footpath and the roadway access – Cllr. Roger Thackham commented that if there are double yellow lines enforcement is present the problem should be reported.
HGV using New Street and getting stuck and asking resident to move their vehicles so that they can get through – Cllr. Richard Craddock (Vice-chairman) commented if large vehicles are stuck in Bridgtown streets (such as New Street) the problem should be reported to the police, he went on to say the Parish Council will shortly be checking the Parish traffic signage.
A resident reported an incident to which an arm response officer had responded to a local incident, where is our local police officer? – The Chairman commented that we do not a local police office but we do have a PCSO, who we hope to develop a good working relationship with.
A member of the public reported the lack of litter bin on Walsall Road – Delta Way side of the village.
Clothing bin for the Salvation Army over flowing on the Broad Street car park, the clerk will report.
Fly tipping of furniture at Poplar Mews, the clerk will report to landlord.
A Bridgtown resident made the point that the bus service is inadequate. He brought up many points that people who rely on a public service are let down by busses that don’t run to time or don’t turn up at all. The fact is no busses run through the centre of the village i.e. North Street where all the bus shelters are. The Chair commented that this is an on-going problem and the PC will report any findings.
The Assembly closed at 7.40pm
Council Meeting
Cllrs. Bob Eccleston (Chairman), Richard Craddock (Vice-Chairman),Mandy Cook, Jo Hodgkiss, Roger Thackham, Martin Gutowski, Danielle Zazulak
In Attendance:
Chris Gracey – Clerk
7 residents
1. Apologies – Sue Heath (Friends of Bridgtown Group) submitted her apologies.
RESOLVED: To accept the apologies of above resident.
2. Declaration of Interests on agenda items and consideration of dispensations where appropriate.
3. To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 29th March 2023
3.1 Members discussed the minutes in detail and agreed the minutes, subject to amendments & corrections as noted in matter arising.
This was proposed by the Chairman seconded by Cllr. Mandy Cook and carried to approve the minutes.
4.0 Matters Arising from the Minutes. (Not already on the Agenda)
4.1 12.1 on minutes for 29th March 2023 Cllr. Mandy Cook objected to the purchase of bark for the park and gardens.
5.0 Chairman’s Report
5.1 None
6.0 Holiday Inn – Update
6.1 The Chairman commented that there seemed to be new residents in the hotel. Cllr. Richard Craddock(Vice-chairman) reported following a complaint of littering made by residents, he checked the surrounding streets and grounds. Members would like an update from Community Officer Bryan Jones, the clerk will contact him. The Chairman reported that maybe more bins are required on Bridge Street and Walsall Road.
7. Consideration of reports received from PCSO
7.1 None received
8.0 Recreational Areas.
8.1 The Leighton Memorial Garden – Volunteers have been carrying out work on the garden, with Spring bulbs flowering and various plants donated by the community and the local businesses, similarly Summer bulbs have also been planted continuing the array of flowers.
8.2 War Memorial – The memorial is the parish council’s responsibility, the Vice-chairman has enquired with English Heritage and the stone can be cleaned in the Autumn and he will get a quotation.
8.3 Bridgtown Memorial Gardens & Play Park in Union Street – The Vice-chairman has spoken with Sue Heath who confirmed that the planting in the Memorial Gardens has been vandalised – Knotweed will be treated by CCDC – It was suggested we look into the possibility that damage to the brickwork damage is caused by weathering and that Winters have took their toll, the council want to look at methods of improving the area. A proposal to reduce the height of the hedgerow so that the garden and park are more visible. The clerk will ask for permission to carry out the work.At present work will be stopped until further notice, the clerk will notify the gardener of our decision.. Carpark to the park needs tiding up, bollards need painting, the block paving needs attention. The PC feel the area should be restored to being a good and safe amenity, we will work with the parks department to achieve this.
9.0 Adjournment to receive reports from ‘Friends of Bridgtown Park’
9.1 None
10.0 Planning:
All planning applications have been circulated to Councillors for comment.
10.1 Applications for Consideration – CH/23/0175 Proposed change of use from retail workshop to one bedroom apartment at 250a Walsall Road Bridgtown – objections parking issues – safety issues – existing parking issues – overdevelopment
10.2 Applications Approved/Rejected by District Council – none
11.0 Correspondence – Items of correspondence received during the month are emailed to Councillors, as received and for this month included the following:
· SPCA Bulletin emailed to council 7th May 2023
11.2 Outgoing – None
12.0 Accounts
12.1 Payments for Approval
Date | Payee | Cheque Nr. | Amount VAT | Approved/declined |
10.05.23 | Cancelled | 102113 | ||
10.05.23 | K Punter ( Gardening & membrane) | 102114 | 440.00 | Approved |
10.05.23 | C E Gracey(Clerk’s April and May Salary) | 102115 | 325.44 | Approved |
10.05.23 | HMRC(Clerk’s PAYE April & May 2023) | 102116 | 81.20 | Approved |
10.05.23 | Bethel Church(Hall hire 10/05/23) | 102117 | 20.00 | Approved |
10.05.23 | Cannock Chase Council(license renewal to maintain memorial area) | 102118 | 8.63 | Approved |
TOTAL | £875.27 |
RESOLVED: Authorisation of the accounts presented for payment totalling £875.27 was agreed proposed by the Cllr. Roger Thackham seconded the Chairman and carried.
12.2 Consideration of the Current financial situation of the Council – The financial statement 1st April to 31st March 2023 was presented, proposed by the Chairman seconded by Cllr.Mandy Cook and carried. The financial statement for 1st April to 30th April 2023 was deferred until the next meeting.
12.3 Chairman’s Allowance – It was suggested this monies could be reassigned to the Village Christmas Celebrations held at the Bethel Church.
12.4 Consideration of infrastructure projects update – none
12.5 Consideration of any grant funding application opportunities – An application to the SCC Community Fund will be made for planting throughout the parish, a plan is required showing the planting areas to accompany the application form, the cost of planting will be £500, £250 applied for from the fund matched with £250 from parish council funds, agreed.
12.6 Consideration of any Grant applications received – None
9pm extension agreed
12.7 Review/Approve Financial Regulations deferred
12.8 Approve change of bank mandate to add/remove signatures – It was agreed to add the Chairman, Cllr. Jo Hodgkiss and Cllr. Roger Thackham and remove existing signatures except the clerk.
12.9 Approve AGAR 2022-23 Annual Governance Statement & Dates of the Notice of Exercise of Public Rights – approve by the Chairman Cllr. Bob Eccleston seconded by Cllr. Mandy Cook and carried.
12.10 Hire of hall at Bethel Church – Members discussed it would be better to pay for the hire of the Bethel Church for Parish Council Meetings in advance. We suggested one invoice would cut down on administration for both parties. It was agreed by the Council that we suggest to the Bethel Church that a raise in rent was overdue. It was agreed we would talk to them about a sensible raise.
13.0 Highways Issues –
13.1 The Chairman commented on the reported blocked gullies, reported again 8 have been accepted, 6 rejected and 19 left to consider. The council would like to invite Highways Manager Mark Keeling to a site meeting in Bridgtown to discuss the blocked gullies and other highways problems, residents face around the village. It may then be time to invite him and our county councillor to a Parish Meeting.
14.0 To receive reports from Councillors who have attended outside meetings
14.1 None. It is noted that the new council will have their own roles and responsibilities and these will be determined shortly.
15.0 HGV Signage – North Street – New Street – Cross Street
15.1 As discussed in the Assembly.
16.0 Lakeside Boulevard
16.1 The Chairman will speak to the developer about the possibility of sighting the King’s Coronation Bench on the park area of Lakeside Boulevard.
17.0 New Lamp Posts
17.1 Awaiting date for the commencement of work.
18.0 Council meetings Bi monthly to Monthly
18.1 The situation was considered and it was agreed we would remain at bi monthly meetings.
19.0 Social Media
19.1 The new council have set up social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and Link Tree sites.
20.0 Items for Information or Future Agendas
20.1 Financial Regulations, Standing Orders and Risk Assessment will be reviewed and approved.
21.0 Date of Next Meeting.
21.1 The next meeting would be Wednesday 12th July 2023 at Bethel Church, Union Street Bridgtown.
22.0 The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting at 9.40pm.