Council Meeting
Clerk to the Council: Chris Gracey
81 Brownshore Lane Essington WV11 2AE
Email: Tel: 07791 313060
Chairman of the Council: Cllr. Val Jones
Email: Tel: 01543 571056
You are hereby summoned to the Meeting of Bridgtown Parish Council on
Wednesday 23rd February 2022 commencing 7.00 pm.
At Bethel Methodist Church, Union Street, Bridgtown
Although social distancing rules have been relaxed, all those present are requested to follow current Social Distancing advice.
Public Participation will be held prior to the Parish Council being convened – Members of the public are invited to raise any issues for the Councils attention.
Any issues raised by members of the public – If an answer is not available at the meeting, you will be contacted after the meeting. Issues raised with the Clerk at least three days prior to the meeting will be addressed in the Correspondence section, if not already resolved prior to the meeting.
- Apologies received in writing prior to the meeting. Paul Snape
- Declaration of interests on Agenda Items and consideration of dispensations where appropriate.
- Bridgtown Parish Council Meeting Minutes
3.1 To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th January 2022
- Matters arising from the Minutes.
- Chairman’s Report.
- Consideration of reports received from PCSO.
- District Councillor’s Report
- County Councillor’s Report
- Recreational Areas.
9.1 The Leighton Memorial Garden – Proposal to plant beds
9.2 War Memorial.
9.3 Memorial Park & Gardens in Union Street.
Adjournment of the meeting to receive the report of ‘Friends of Bridgtown Park’.
- Consideration of reports From Leigh Jarratt and Sue Heath on issues arising on Friends of Bridgtown Park
10.1Update from Leigh Jarratt
10.2Update from Sue Heath on Planting.
Reconvene of the meeting.
- Planning:
11.1 Applications for Consideration.
CH/22/0023 Single storey rear extension @ 65 Watling Street Cannock WS11 0BL
CH/22/0027 Make alterations & improvements to the Northern, Central & Southern car parks at Wyrley Brook Retial Park Vine Lane Cannock WS11 OXF
CH/22/0029 Two storey side extension with rear single storey extension @ 124 Walsall Road Cannock WS11 0JB
CH/22/0039 Change of use on 1st Floor from offices/historial centre to 1 residential apartment @ 264 Stumble Inn Walsall Road Cannock WS11 OJL
11.2 Applications Approved/Rejected by District Council –
- Correspondence
12.1 Incoming – Items of correspondence received during the months are emailed to Councillors, as received and for this month included the following:
- SPCA Bulletin emailed to council 24th January 2022
- CCDC News round-up emailed to council 24th January 2022
- SPCA Bulletin emailed to council 4th February 2022
- CCDC News round-up emailed to council 4th February 2022
- SPCA Bulletin emailed to council 7th February 2022
- SPCA Bulletin emailed to council 14th February 2022
- CCDC details of Bloomin Cannock Chase Competition emailed to council 14th February 2022
- CCDC News round-up emailed to council 18th February 2022
- SPCA Bulletin emailed to council 21st February 2022
12.2 Outgoing – none
13.0. Accounts.
13.1 Payments for approval
Date | Payee | Cheque Nr. | Amount |
23/02/2022 | Bethel Church(Hall hire 23/02/2022 | 0102060 | 20.00 |
23/02/2022 | HMRC(Clerk’s PAYE February & March 2022) | 0102061 | 80.00 |
23/02/2022 | C E Gracey(Clerk’s February & March 2022 salary) | 0102062 | 319.70 |
Total | £419.70 |
13.2 Current Financial situation of the Council(see attached Income & Expenditure 1st April to 28th February 2022)
13.3 Consideration of any Infrastructure projects update – 1st History Board – 2nd History Board location & proposal – Commemorative Plaque for David Wlliams – Safety fencing at Lakeside Boulevard
13.4 Consideration of any grant funding opportunities.
13.5 Consideration of Grant applications received.
13.6 Adopt Financial Regulations
14.Highway issues.
14.1 Consideration of Parish Council seeking quote for painting the street furniture on North Street outside the shops.
- To receive reports from Councillor’s who have attended outside meetings.
- Queens Platinum Jubilee – Celebrations
- Welcome Back Fund – St. Patrick’s Day Artisan Market – Planter Locations.
- Items for information or future agendas.
- Date of Next Meeting: 11th May 2022
16th February 2022
C E Gracey – Clerk to the Council
Full Council Meeting Minutes 23rd February 2022
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting.
Wednesday 23rd February 2022.
At Bethel Methodist Church following guidelines during the Covid 19 Pandemic.
Cllrs. Val Jones (Chair), Kevin Whittaker (Vice-Chair), Matt Freeman,Peter Krukonjic, Bob Eccleston, Mandy Cook,
In Attendance:
Chris Gracey – Clerk
None present
The Chair. Cllr. Val Jones welcomed Members to the meeting.
1.Apologies received in writing prior to the meeting.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr. Paul Snape
RESOLVED: To accept the apologies of above Councillors.
2.Declaration of Interests on agenda items and consideration of dispensations where appropriate.
3.To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th January 2022
3.1 Members discussed the minutes in detail and agreed to accept the last edition of the minutes subject to the amendments and correction.
This was proposed by Cllr. Kevin Whittaker(Vice-Chairman), seconded by Cllr.Bob Eccleston and carried to approve the minutes.
4.0 Matters Arising from the Minutes.(Not already on the Agenda)
4.1 Cllr. Mandy Cook commented on a query from a resident regarding the £8 per year included in her council tax and wanted to know what the money was spent on, The clerk will check last years 2020-21 accounts and compile a breakdown and forward it to members.
- Chairman’s Report.
5.1 The Chairman read out her report (SEE APPENDIX 1) – and discussed various items.
6.0 Consideration of reports received from the PCSO.
6.1 The PCSO report had been submitted and was noted with the following comments.
- Anti-social behavior – 1 incident Price Street(Next to McDonald’s Cannock Town Centre)
- Theft of vehicles – 3 (Newhall St – Walsall Rd – Virage Park)
- Theft from vehicles – 4 (Spring St. –Chenet Way – Hampton Green – Beecroft Rd )
- Theft of Motorcycle – (Earlswood Way) – later recived in Willenhall stripped down, identified by chassis number
County Line Intensification Week – The PCSO’s will be running a county lines intensification week in March, where we will be proactively targeting gangs involved, and I will be in a few of the local high schools talking to the students abut the signs to watch out for, and how they may find themselves involved in county lines & the dangers they could be exposed to. This should always be a focus, however it means we will have patrols assigned solely to targeting those involved for the week, and not be dispatched elsewhere. Hopefully there will b an update for the next meeting.
Cllr. Mandy Cook commented on an incident that took place on 4th February 2022 with some youths that had hired a room at the hotel, they were causing a nuisance & the police was called, this incident is not on the report, the clerk will query this with the PCSO.
7.0 District Councillor’s Report.
- District Cllr. Peter Kruskonjic submitted his report:
- An arranged meeting with County Cllr. Paul Snape, Highways Officer Mark Keeling, Bob Eccleston
to determine the location of HGV signage .
- Planning application CH/21/0039 at the Forge – refused
8.0 County Councillor’s Report
8.1 None
9.0 Recreational Areas.
9.1 The Leighton Memorial Garden – Cllr. Bob Eccleston commented on the proposed rose flower bed, to be planted in the Spring with David Austin roses, advice will be given on planting & maintenance, and a plaque to be installed to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, proposed by Cllr. Bob Eccleston seconded by Cllr. Mandy Cook and carried. A budget of £200 was agreed proposed by the Chair seconded by Cllr. Kevin Whittaker and carried. Cllr. Bob Eccleston commented that the second area would be planted in late Spring with summer bedding plants and donations from the school of sunflowers.
- War Memorial – No comments
9.3 Memorial Park & Gardens in Union Street – No comments
9.4 Bridgtown Friends of Bridgtown Park – No update available
RESOLVED: It was agreed the meeting would be adjourned to receive local community group reports
None present – apologies received from Sue Heath.
10.0 Planning:
All planning applications have been circulated to Councillors for comment.
10.1 Applications for Consideration
CH/22/0023 Single storey rear extension @ 65 Watling Street Cannock WS11 0BL – no objections.comments
CH/22/0027 Make alterations & improvements to the Northern, Central & Southern car parks at Wyrley Brook Retial Park Vine Lane Cannock WS11 OXF – no objections / comments
CH/22/0029 Two storey side extension with rear single storey extension @ 124 Walsall Road Cannock WS11 0JB – no objections/comments
22/CH/0039 Change of use on 1st Floor from office/historical centre to one residential apartment @ 264 Stumble Inn Walsall Road Cannock WS11 0JL – objections impact on the previous survey, concerns about parking issues
10.2 Applications Approved/Rejected by District Council.
21/CH/00339 Erection of Nr.2 2 storey building to create 3 flats, 3 garages @ 33 North Street Bridgtown – Refused
11.0 Correspondence – Items of correspondence received during the month are emailed to Councillors, as received and for this month included the following:
11.1 Incoming –
- SPCA Bulletin emailed to council 24th January 2022
- CCDC News round-up emailed to council 24th January 2022
- SPCA Bulletin emailed to council 4th February 2022
- CCDC News round-up emailed to council 4th February 2022
- SPCA Bulletin emailed to council 7th February 2022
- SPCA Bulletin emailed to council 14th February 2022
- CCDC details of Bloomin Cannock Chase Competition emailed to council 14th February 2022
- SPCA Bulletin emailed to council 21st February 2022
11.2 Outgoing – None
12.0 Accounts
12.1 Payments for Approval
Date | Payee | Cheque Nr. | Amount VAT | Approved/declined |
23.02.22 | Bethel Methodist Church (Hall hire 23/02/22) | 0102060 | 20.00 | approved |
23/02/22 | HMRC Clerk’s PAYE February & March 2022) | 0102061 | 80.00 | approved |
23/02/22 | C E Gracey Clerk’s salary February £159.85 March £159.85) | 0102062 | 319.70 | approved |
TOTAL | £419.70 |
RESOLVED: Authorisation of the accounts presented for payment totalling £419.70 was agreed proposed by the Cllr. Kevin Whittaker(Vice-Chairman) seconded by Cllr. Matt Freeman and carried.
- Consideration of the Current financial situation of the Council – The Financial statement 1st April to 31st
January2022 was presented and agreed. The clerk confirmed that the General Reserves at 31st January 2022 are £758.06
- Consideration of infrastructure projects update – No comments
12.4 Consideration of any grant funding application opportunities – nothing to report
12.5 Consideration of any Grant applications Received – none received
12.6 Consideration of CILS Money Expenditure – The Chair outlined items for consideration:
Members discussed the planned expenditure for a history board, the details of which will be confirmed by the History Society, the clerk has tried to contact Derrick Middleton, who is unavailable at thie time, she will try and contact John Davy or Bob Bevilt regarding the details and the ordering of the board. A second history board was discussed & agreed to purchase proposed by Cllr. Bob Eccleston seconded by Cllr. Kevin Whittaker(Vice-chairman) and carried.
Commemorative plaque to the Late David Williams, the clerk will contact the school for permission to erect the plaque and also for information on the length of time that he was a teacher at the school.
Fencing at Lakeside Boulevard – Members discussed the approximate cost of the safety fencing and considered if the developer of the area would assist with the cost fully or partially. All developers are required to make a statutory contribution to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which has resulted in £41,000 being provided to the Parish Council with the expectation that the Parish Council would use those monies for just such needs. The Chair would confirm whether this position has changed.
Barriers on North Street members discussed the issues related to replacing the railings like for like also comments were made to repair the existing railings in North Street and other areas. Cllr. Bob Eccleston will get a quote to repair all the damaged railings in Bridgtown, subject to permission from SCC and to a proposal being made to this effect and a vote by the council.
Lamp posts on North Street – this item was not the agenda for discussionat this meeeting. A decision had already been agreed at the Parish meeting on the 15th September 2021 to follow the advice provided by the lightening company in respect of the colour of the ornamental lamp posts where the top of the lamp post was black. One member suggested painting the lamp posts green. This will need to be agreed by SCC and then voted through by council members.
12.7 Adopt the reviewed Financial Regulations – The Chair proposed adoption seconded by Cllr. Matt Freeman and carried.
13.0 Highways Issues – No reports from County Council regarding any Highways issues
14.0 To receive reports from Councillors who have attended outside meetings – None
15.0 Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations –
15.1 Covered in the Chair’s report
16.0 Welcome Back Fund – St. Patrick’s Day Artisan Market – Planter Locations
16.1 Covered in the Chair’s report.
16.2 Planter Locations – Covered in the Chair’s report.
17.0 Items for Information or Future Agendas – None
18.0 Date of Next Meeting.
18.1 It was agreed that the next meeting would be Wednesday 11th May 2022, and the meeting will cover the Annual Parish Assembly, The Annual General Meeting & the Council Meeting.
19.0 The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting closed at 9.15pm.
20.0 Confidential Items – exclusion of the press and public when applicable.
Bridgtown Parish Council
Chairman’s report
23rd February 2022
Welcome Back Fund (WBF) Updates
- Planters
The two large Amberol Self watering Planters funded through the WBF are now ready to be delivered to the Parish. Councillors and the Bridgtown History Society were canvassed for their views on the best location for them within the restrictions of the grant, however not all suggestions were acceptable to Highways. The council has however obtained permission for one to be located on the grassy area where the History Board sits on the corner of the junction between the A5 and North. Permission for the second planter to be sited at the corner of Delta Way and the A5 is being sought.
- St Patricks Artisan Market – Bridgtown Social Club
The event planner has provided an update on progress on the Artisan Market. There has been a lot of interest from stall holders and she is waiting for returned forms with a couple of street food vendors for the club area outside already booked in. A banner advertising the event has been attached to the railing at the club a couple of weeks ago. The Club is booking a bouncy castle and being decorated with Irish bunting. The Guinness brewery have been approached to enquire whether they will be doing any promotions.
“Paw Patrol “ has been booked so the children can have pictures taken with them and Radio Presenter Stu Haycock as well as being the DJ for the day will be involving attendees in some fun and games
There is a Facebook event page as and when traders are confirmed and share to other groups on other social media platforms, Twitter and Instagram
Facebook link In addition posters are available for distribution for shops etc.
- Queens Jubilee celebrations
Flags and Bunting have been purchased with the grant for the WBF which comprises 2 large street party packs which along with bunting has 24 large flags and approximately 500 small hand held ones. The District Council will be sending out packs and information on their preparations and support for the celebrations. Through the WBF Parishes can also place orders through the District Council for treats for their celebrations for chocolate smiley faces and cup cakes.
CIL Proposals for consideration are:
- Safety Fencing for Lakeside Boulevard – residents have raised safety concerns around the green at Lakeside Boulevard where the goalpost is located. The concern is that that there is nothing to prevent a football being kicked onto the busy road closely followed by a child . There is a high risk of an accident involving a child.
Therefore the proposal is to use CIL monies to agree a budget to erect a safety fence. This would be similar in design to that around the play area.
- Street Furniture North Street – There are three ornamental safety barriers in North Street which are badly damaged. Highways have been informed and they have advised the Parish Council that they cannot replace them like for like and that they will be the grey square structures seen throughout Cannock. In addition it will be some time before any replacements can be made. Therefore the proposal is to use CIL monies to fund replicas of the current ornamental barriers and retain the North Street design.
- Additional Bridgtown History Board – the Bridgtown & District History Society have requested a further grant from the Parish Council for another History Board as part of the Bridgtown History Trail. The location is to be in front of the Bridgtown Social Club. Details to follow later.