Extraordinary Council Meeting
1. Apologies: Martin Gutowski
2. Declaration of interests on agenda items and consideration of dispensations where appropriate.
3. Presentation by Cllr. Richard Craddock (Vice-chairman) on fraudulent activity and the compromise on the email account.
4. Date of Next Meeting: 12th July 2023 7pm at Bethel Church, Union Street, Bridgtown.
1. Apologies
1.1 Cllr. Martyn Gutowski submitted his apologies for the meeting.
2. Declaration of interests
2.1 None
3. Consider compromise of the parish email account and SID’s scam, including cheque payment made by Clerk.
3.1 Richard Craddock(Vice-chairman) presented a statement of events leading to the compromise of the email account and scam carried out to obtain monies from Bridgtown Parish Council. This activity has been reported to the Police, Action Fraud and the bank.
3.2 Members discussed use of the existing laptop and email account and agreed to source a new device for Bridgtown Parish Council have it checked, cleared down and install Microsoft office, set up a new email
account for the Council and email addresses for the clerk, chairman and vice-chairman.
3.3 With effect from the next meeting on the 12th July 2023 all payments to be checked by the 2 signatures required and cheques of a considerable amount to be posted by track based post and signed for upon delivery. Proposed by Cllr. Richard Craddock(Vice-chairman) seconded by Cllr. Jo Hodgkiss and carried.
4. Next meeting Wednesday 12th July 2023 7pm at Bethel Church Union Street Bridgtown
5. Meeting closed at 7.40pm